Semiconductors refer to materials with conductivity between conductors and insulators at room temperature. Semiconductor is a kind of material with controllable conductivity, ranging from insulator to conductor
Chips are also known as integrated circuits and microcircuits. Mobile phone chips are an important branch of them. All functions of smart phones currently used by everyone depend on mobile phone chips. Mobile phones without chips are even worse than bricks. It can be seen that mobile phones rely heavily on chips. Chip technology directly affects the future development of mobile communications.
Electronic components are components of electronic components and small machines and instruments. They are often composed of several parts and can be used in similar products; It often refers to some parts of electrical appliances, radios, meters and other industries, and is the general
Semiconductor refers to a material whose conductivity can be controlled from insulator to conductor. No matter from the perspective of science and technology or economic development, the importance of semiconductors is very great. Most of today's electronic products, such as computers, mobile phones or digital recorders, are closely related to semiconductors. Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc., and silicon is one of the most influential semiconductor materials in commercial applications.
The most advanced integrated circuit is the core of microprocessor or multi-core processor, which can control everything from computer to mobile phone to digital microwave oven. Although the cost of designing and developing a complex
We usually refer to metals with good conductivity such as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and aluminum as conductors. At the same time, materials with poor conductivity, such as coal, artificial crystals, amber, ceramics, etc., are called insulators. Then, we can simply call the material between the conductor and the insulator semiconductor.