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  • The resistivity of semiconductors changes significantly with temperature. For example, pure germanium, for every 10 degrees increase in humidity, its electrical resistivity decreases to 1/2 of its original value.


  • The semiconductor industry mainly focuses on integrated circuits, consumer electronics, communication systems, photovoltaic power generation, lighting applications, high-power power conversion, and other fields. From the perspective of technology or economic development, the importance of semiconductors is enormous


  • An Integrated Circuit (IC), also commonly known as a microchip or chip, is a miniaturized electronic circuit that consists of multiple interconnected semiconductor devices, such as transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors, fabricated on a single semiconductor substrate, usually made of silicon. The components on an integrated circuit are designed to perform specific electronic functions, and the entire circuit is manufactured as a single unit.


  • Semiconductor is the foundation of modern electronic technology, and its development can be traced back to the late 19th century. This article will introduce the development history of semiconductors and explore their importance to modern technology.


  • A semiconductor is a substance with a conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. It is not very conductive in a pure state, but its conductivity can be adjusted by adding impurities (doping) or changing the temperature. The typical representative of semiconductors is silicon, which is widely used in the manufacturing of electronic components. Semiconductor technology is the cornerstone of modern electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, digital cameras, etc., all rely on semiconductor chips. In addition, semiconductors are also very important in the energy field, such as semiconductor materials, which are the core of solar cells


  • Beginners may be confused by the terms "chip" and "semiconductor" and cannot distinguish their relationship. Today, Hongtai Express Electronics will focus on sorting out the connections and differences between chips and semiconductors that we often talk about.


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