Commonly used electronic components are: resistance, capacitance, inductance, potentiometer, transformer, diode, triode, MOS tube, integrated circuit, etc.
Components: products that do not change the molecular composition of raw materials during processing can be called components.
Integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called chip or microchip, is a semiconductor wafer on which thousands of micro resistors, capacitors and transistors are manufactured. An integrated circuit can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor. Specific ICs are classified as linear (Analog) or digital according to their intended applications.
At the end of April 2022, we opened a special column called "when the weather turns good, we will copy the bottom 2022". By the end of June, we have focused more on the new energy industry tracks, including the upstream and downstream industrial chain of lithium batteries for new energy vehicles
According to the news from zhidongxi on June 28, according to money DJ in Taiwan, China, the cumulative sales of semiconductor equipment in Japan exceeded RMB 75.6 billion in May this year, the highest in the same period over the years
Although PCB board has a certain self-protection function, it should be avoided from being in a corrosive environment in daily use, and the corrosive factors should be eliminated as much as possible so as to greatly extend its service life. When using, try to keep it in a medium temperature environment to avoid high temperature and low temperature environment. So how does the PCB Factory maintain the PCB?