XCVU35P-3FSVH2104E is an electronic component, specifically an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Xilinx. The following is a detailed introduction about XCVU35P-3FSVH2104E
XCVU35P-3FSVH2104E is an electronic component, specifically an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Xilinx. The following is a detailed introduction about XCVU35P-3FSVH2104E
Brand and Model:
Brand: Xilinx
Model: XCVU35P-3FSVH2104E 12
Packaging and Batch:
Packaging: BGA2104 or FBGA-2104 12
Batch: 24+(some information shows 2308+) 12
Technical specifications:
Product family: Integrated Circuit (IC)
Series: Embedded - FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)
Other names: Virtex ® UltraScale+™
LAB/CLB number: 108960
Number of logic components/units: 1906800