XCVU29P-L2FSGA2577E is an electronic component from Xilinx, belonging to the Virtex UltraScale+series, with the following features and specifications:
XCVU29P-L2FSGA2577E is an electronic component from Xilinx, belonging to the Virtex UltraScale+series, with the following features and specifications:
Packaging: Adopting BGA (Ball Grid Array) packaging.
Batch: Batch number 21+.
Quantity: There are a total of 3120.
Product family: Belongs to the category of integrated circuits (ICs).
Series: Belongs to the Embedded FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) series.
Other names: Also known as Virtex UltraScale+.
Technical specifications: It has 216000 LAB/CLBs, 3780000 logic elements/units, a total of 99090432 RAM bits, and 448 I/O.