XC3S1600E-4FGG320C is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) belonging to the Spartan-3E series, designed specifically to meet the needs of high-capacity, cost sensitive consumer electronics products. It has the following key characteristics:
XC3S1600E-4FGG320C is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) belonging to the Spartan-3E series, designed specifically to meet the needs of high-capacity, cost sensitive consumer electronics products. It has the following key characteristics:
Number of logical elements: There are 33192 LE (logical elements).
Number of input/output terminals: With 250 I/O terminals, suitable for high-speed data transmission and external device connection.
Working power supply voltage: The working voltage is 1.2V, ensuring low power consumption and high efficiency of the equipment.
Working temperature range: The working temperature range is from 0 ° C to+85 ° C, suitable for various working environments.
Package type: FBGA-320 package is used, providing high integration and compact physical size