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  • ​XC6VSX475T-2FF1156E Package BGA Integrated Circuit Chip IC Electronic Component Inquiry and Order

  • ​XC6SLX150T-N3FGG676I is a high-performance FPGA chip with a wide range of applications, including communication, data centers, image processing, and radar systems. This chip has high performance and flexibility, and can achieve high-speed signal processing

  • ​XC6SLX150-3FGG676I Packaging BGA integrated circuit chips, IC electronic components, inquiry and order placement

  • ​XC6SLX16-3CSG225C Packaging BGA integrated circuit chips, IC electronic components, inquiry and order placement

  • XC7Z015-2CLG485I is an SOC chip produced by Xilinx, which is an integrated system chip based on the Zynq-7000 architecture. The chip integrates a dual core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore processor and CoreSight system, as well as an Artix-7 FPGA, with a total of 74K logic units and a running frequency of up to 766MHz

  • XCVU23P-2FSVJ1760E FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array XCVU23P-2FSVJ1760E Integrated Circuit 18 Years of Industry Experience AMD Agent

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