EP2AGX190EF29C6G is a high-performance field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip produced by Intel (formerly Altera, now acquired by Intel), belonging to the Arria II GX series
XCKU095-L1FFVB1760I The specific technical specifications and features may vary depending on the supplier, manufacturing batch, and configuration options.
5CSEMA5U23I7N is a Cyclone V SE series field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip produced by Intel (formerly Altera)
5CSEMA5U23C7N is a Cyclone V SE series field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip produced by Intel (formerly Altera)
5CSEMA5U23A7N is one of Intel's Cyclone V series FPGA products, which combines high performance and low power consumption and is widely used in fields such as digital signal processing, embedded processing, and communication
5CSEMA5U23C6N is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Altera (now acquired by Intel)