XC6VLX75T-L1FFG484I is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Xilinx, belonging to the Spartan-6 series. The XC6VLX75T-L1FFG484I chip has the following characteristics and specifications: Number of logic components: 74496 logic units, providing powerful logic processing capabilities. Number of input/output ports: With 240 I/O ports, it supports high-speed data transmission and communication. Working power supply voltage: 1V working voltage, suitable for low-power design requirements
XC5VFX100T-1FF1738C is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Xilinx, belonging to the Virtex-5 FXT series. This chip has the following key features:
XC3S1000-5FTG256C is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) product produced by Xilinx, belonging to the Spartan series. This product has the following features and specifications:
XC6VLX550T-2FFG1760E is a programmable logic device (FPGA) produced by XILINX company. Here is a brief introduction to the product:
XC6VLX550T-2FFG1759C is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chip produced by Xilinx, which belongs to the LXT sub series of the Virtex-6 series. Here is a detailed introduction to the chip:
XC6VLX550T-1FFG1760I is an FPGA chip produced by Xilinx, belonging to the field programmable gate array (FPGA) series. FPGA is a programmable logic device that allows users or designers to reconfigure circuits after manufacturing is completed. The XC6VLX550T-1FFG1760I chip adopts advanced BGA packaging