integrated circuit

An integrated circuit is a miniature electronic device or component. A certain process is used to interconnect the transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors and other components and wiring required in a circuit, fabricate on a small or several small semiconductor wafers or dielectric substrates, and then package them in a package , It becomes a micro structure with the required circuit function
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  • XC7VX690T-2FF1158I is a type of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) made by Xilinx. This specific FPGA has 6.8 million logic cells, operates at a speed of up to 800 MHz,

  • XC7Z020-2CLG484E is a type of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) made by Xilinx. This specific FPGA has 85,000 Logic Cells, operates at a speed of up to 667 MHz, and features 2 Transceivers,

  • XC7Z030-2FFG676I is a type of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) made by Xilinx. This specific FPGA has 154,580 Logic Cells, operates at a speed of up to 1 GHz, and features 4 Transceivers,

  • ​XC7Z035-2FFG900I ARM® Cortex ™- The A9 processor is available in dual core (Zynq-7000) and single core (Zynq-7000S) Cortex-A9 configurations, providing integrated 28nm programmable logic per watt, with power consumption and performance levels surpassing discrete processors and FPGA systems

  • ​The Xilinx XC7Z045-2FFG900I Zynq ® -7000 SoC first generation architecture is a flexible platform that provides a fully programmable alternative to traditional ASIC and SoC users while launching new solutions. ARM® Cortex ™-

  • ​The design of 5CEBA2F23C8N can simultaneously meet the decreasing power consumption, cost, and time to market requirements, as well as the increasing bandwidth demands of high-capacity and cost sensitive applications. Due to the integration of transceivers and hard memory controllers

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