XCKU085-2FLVA1517I has a power option to achieve the best balance between required system performance and low-power envelope. XCKU085-2FLVA1517I is an ideal choice for packet processing and DSP intensive features, suitable for various applications from wireless MIMO technology to Nx100G networks and data centers.
XC7A200T-2FBG676I can achieve higher cost-effectiveness in multiple aspects, including logic, signal processing, embedded memory, LVDS I/O, memory interfaces, and transceivers. Artix-7 FPGAs are perfect for cost sensitive applications that require high-end functionality.
XC7A200T-2FFG1156I can achieve higher cost-effectiveness in multiple aspects, including logic, signal processing, embedded memory, LVDS I/O, memory interfaces, and transceivers. Artix-7 FPGA is perfect for cost sensitive applications that require high-end functionality
XC7Z045-L2FFG676I These products integrate rich functionality based on ARM in a single device ® Cortex? - A9 dual core or single core processing system (PS) and 28 nm Xilinx programmable logic (PL). The ARM Cortex-A9 CPU is the core of PS, which also includes on-chip memory, external memory interfaces, and rich peripheral connection interfaces.
XCKU11P-2FFVE1517I The XCKU11P-2FFFVE1517I field programmable array has multiple power options to achieve the best balance between required system performance and extremely low power consumption. FPGA is a semiconductor device based on a configurable logic block (CLB) matrix connected through a programmable interconnect system
Best balance. XCKU085-1FLVA1517I is an ideal choice for packet processing and DSP intensive features, suitable for various applications from wireless MIMO technology to Nx100G networks and data centers.